
Camping, Hot Dogs & Hikes

Kendall and I enjoyed our first camping trip together over the weekend! Not our first camping trip ever, just since we have been married. We both grew up camping and we both enjoy getting away for a few days to enjoy the great outdoors. Below are some pictures from our short time away!

I love having this view each morning when I wake up. It’s so beautiful.

Kendall Cooking up some elk steak and zucchini.  Not our typical camping food but it was delicious!

Usually, I see deer and maybe a moose while camping, but this time I saw cows. haha

I think Channa enjoyed camping! She saw so many squirrels! She was in heaven.

My favorite camping snack. I’m ashamed to admit that this bag was gone in less than an hour. Kendall and I both enjoy jerky so it’s a challenge for us not to eat it all in one sitting.

Roasting some hot dogs before we went on a hike!

Me and my little hiking buddy.  I remember when I was looking into getting a dog, I was hoping to find one that enjoyed hiking and walking. I definitely found the perfect dog for both. She loves being outdoors and going on adventures! ๐Ÿ™‚

Kendall and I went on a hike the second day and the wildflowers were gorgeous! I wanted to build a house right then and there so I could have this as my view every morning. ๐Ÿ˜‰

I always take a book on vacation with me so I can catch up on some reading. If you haven’t read any of Lara Casey’s books, you must! This one is probably my favorite one. ๐Ÿ˜‰

We hiked up to Lake Norton and Kendall fished for awhile. This man really enjoys fishing. ๐Ÿ™‚ I do too but I got distracted with taking photos and playing fetch with Channa.

Kendall caught a fish! I think he ended up throwing this one back because it was too small.

I played a lot of fetch with Channa. I wasn’t sure if she was going to like the water but she jumped right in!

This picture makes me laugh. Channa was trying to play fetch with a stick that was half her size! 

We ended up finding a much smaller stick. Maybe even too small. ha!

The whole time we were hiking, I was picking wildflowers. I couldn’t get over how beautiful they were. Typical me, finding beauty wherever we go. ๐Ÿ™‚

One last picture of Lake Norton! ๐Ÿ™‚ I sat and read my book here and enjoyed every minute of it.

After a day of hiking, we ended up makingย  S’mores! Sitting around the fire is honestlyย one of my favorite things about camping. It’s even better if you add a guitar into the mix.

On our way home from camping, we decided to stop at Malad Gorge to do some more fishing!

I pulled out my camera and Channa ran over to me and started posing. She is definitely not camera shy. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Kendall caught 5 fish and I think I ended up eating most of them. Fish is so good and it’s even better when it’s fresh!

Channa was so interested in the fish, she kept wanting to get close and then as soon as the fish would jump she would jump back in surprise.  It was pretty cute. ๐Ÿ™‚

That is all! We had an awesome time and can’t wait to go camping again next summer.  Comment below with some of your favorite places to go camping; Kendall and I are always looking for new places to go!